Yasuaki Kakehi Lab.
Presentation Group Representative : Yasuaki Kakehi (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)- Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall
- A56
Interactive Matters: Designing Property-changing Matters for Physical Interactions
Person in Charge of the Project : Yasuaki KakehiIn this project we aim to harmonically integrate the physical world (Atoms) and digital world (Bits). By "multiplying" the computationally controlled environment or tools with the various characteristics of substances, such as elasticity, conductivity and magnetism, we provide dynamic transformations or movements to the physical world and realize a new interactions between human and materials. We also show some new soft robotics projects.http://www.xlab.sfc.keio.ac.jp/
x-Habilitation: Body Augmentation and Communication with Human-Machine Systems
Person in Charge of the Project : Yasuaki KakehiThe tile for this project is x-HABILITATE, a term we coined. In addition to supporting the person's actions with digital technologies, we aim to "extract and extend" the person's new abilities. This time, we introduce several new projects including a wearable device for controlling hand movements and a communication tool with body gestures.http://www.xlab.sfc.keio.ac.jp/
Interactive Fabrication
Person in Charge of the Project : Yasuaki KakehiIn this project, we will exhibit several novel methods for interactive fabrication which enable us remake, redesign and onsite fabrication. Concretely, we will present a human-scale fabrication tool and a re-doable fabrication tool.http://www.xlab.sfc.keio.ac.jp/