
AI & Society meeting

Presentation Group : AI Society LaboratoryPresentation Group Representative : Fumio Shimpo (Faculty of Policy Management)
  • 9. Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • 12. Responsible consumption, production
Tokyo Midtown Tower 4F Conference
11/23 (Sat) 13:00 - 14:30

AI technology is spreading to a wide range of society. While this expansion has improved the convenience of daily life, it also has negative aspects, such as its widespread use in China for social monitoring.In this context, it is necessary to discuss how to design future society.And people have often found opportunities of these arguments in science fiction literature or any other works.This session will discuss how to design a sustainable future society by critically examining the future vision of science fiction.


  • Akasaka Ryota

    Keio Research Institute at SFC Senior Researcher/ AIST postdoctral researcher
  • Osawa Hirotaka

    Tsukuba University Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems Assistant Professor
  • Kouichi Takahashi

    Graduate School of Media and Governance Project Professor / RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
  • Hase Toshiji

    Science fiction writer
  • Yamamine Junya

    Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery Curator

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