
FabNurse Project , Miyagawa Lab. Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care

Presentation Group Representative : Shoko Miyagawa (Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care)
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 9. Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • 12. Responsible consumption, production
Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall A
Booth No.E09

FabNurse Project

Person in Charge of the Project : Shoko Miyagawa

The dissemination of digital fabrication devices such as 3D printers enables us the creative micro inventions to adapt various individual needs. We focus on nursing care, which requires a respect for individuality. We introduce our current effort called FabNurse, a research project to develop tools and accessories, human resources, and service design that realize the delivery of products that adapt individual needs in the nursing care field.



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