Planning number:B12

Keio co-evolution House Operation test and Research Consortium

Presentation Group Representative : Yasushi Ikeda (Graduate School of Media and Governance)

Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall B12

Keio co-evolution House Project

Person in Charge of the Project:Yasushi Ikeda

Keio co-evolution House is an environment house that more than one faculty laboratory and a number of companies and is the theme of eco- house of 2030 that produced by industry-university cooperation of Keio. Anyone with even make use of natural materials for the proposal of a healthy lifestyle that live in safe and comfortable, and is controlled using the new information technologies them incorporating renewable energy, to enable the net zero energy future We are aiming for eco- house. Use the model house, which is installed in the current Shonan Fujisawa Campus site, to collect data through the construction and residence experiment, we are working to research and experiment.
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