Planning number:A01

Sports Dynamics and Informatics Laboratory

Presentation Group Representative : Yuji Ohgi (Graduate School of Media and Governance)

Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall A01

Sports science and engineering

Person in Charge of the Project:Atsuyo Yoshida

We research and develop mainly in the elucidation of skill in sports. For example, Thoroughbred has the functional body, Spin mechanism of tennis ball, Development of visually handicapped swimmers for training support equipment, An analysis on the backstroke starting motion.

How to get key in sports

Person in Charge of the Project:Nanami Ohta

We research for how to get key in sports (especially baseball and tennis in this time). In baseball Using vicon, we analyzed that how difference is there between straight and curve in pitching form. In tennis we analyzed tennis strategy analyzed by laser and web application.

Sports Dynamics and Informatics Laboratory

Person in Charge of the Project:Yuji Ohgi

In our Sports Dynamics and Informatics Laboratory, we are studying science on the sports skill and developing a new sports technology which creates new value in our life. In this ORF, we would like to introduce a couple of our research topics. M-Tracer is the inertia sensor measurement device for the golfers which are our collaborative work with Seiko EPSON. An immediate video feedback system using high speed WiFi network in the huge sports venue will be useful for the ski jumpers and coaches (supported by NTT-AT).
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