
Thinking SDGs through the CO2 Emission in the production, transportation and Consumption of food

Presentation Group : Urban Nexus LabPresentation Group Representative : Wanglin YAN (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Tokyo Midtown Tower 4F Conference
11/23 (Sat) 18:00 - 19:30

Cities consume a huge amount of food, water and energy that heavily impact on environment. Reducing the CO2 emission and the advent influence is one of the key issues for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This session will invite panelists from different food sectors to discuss the tools and the effects in visualising the environmental load in food.



  • YAN Wanglin

    Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
  • Nobutoki, Masato

    Research Professor, Graduate School of Media and governance
  • Yamaguchi Motoji

    Director, Planning and Management Division, Center for Agricultural Technology, Kanagawa Prefecture,
  • Fukata Hiroyasu

    Counselor, Management Division, Franchisee Business Support Division, Lawson, Inc.
  • Mikami Ayako

    Chief Researcher, Ph.D. Urban Life Research Institute, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
  • Michiyo Azuma

    Representative, General Association of Smart Women's Community
  • Itsubo Norihiro

    Professor, School of Environment, Tokyo City University

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