
Lecture and Workshop on how to use pattern languages

Presentation Group : Iba LabPresentation Group Representative : Takashi Iba (Faculty of Policy Management)
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 17. Partnerships for the goals
Tokyo Midtown Tower 4F Conference
11/23 (Sat) 13:00 - 14:30

Pattern language is the method of and the tool for identifying common patterns of good practices embedded in specific domains and sharing this wisdom with others. Pattern languages have been practically utilized to improve practices and generate dialogues among people in various schools, organizations and local communities. In this session, we will present several pattern languages with use cases and hold workshop for learning how to use pattern languages. We welcome people who want to learn what is pattern language and also people who have already utilized pattern languages by themselves.



  • Takashi Iba

    Professor at Faculty of Policy Management
  • Yuuri Abe

    CreativeShift, Inc.
  • Arisa Kamata

    Ph.D course, Graduate School of Media and Governance
  • Masafumi Nagai

    Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
  • Tomoki Kaneko

    Master's course, Graduate School of Media and Governance

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