
SDGs society brought about by digital construction

Presentation Group : Digital Construction ConsortiumPresentation Group Representative : Yasushi Ikeda (Graduate School of Media and Governance)
  • 7. Affordable and clean energy
  • 9. Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Tokyo Midtown Tower 4F Conference
11/22 (Fri) 13:00 - 14:30

Now that the use of information technology is causing various innovations in society, there are various ways of exploring innovations that improve quality and productivity in the construction field. On the other hand, our lives are forced to respond to global environmental concerns while building and cities in the future are required to respond to the scarcity of resources, large-scale disasters, and a globalizing society. You In this session, we will mention these social issues and talk about the possibility of solving social problems through innovative proposals for architecture, cities and the environment using architectural informatics methods.


  • Sano Yoshihiko

    Yasui Architects&Engineers,INC.President
  • Huang Xiangming

    Tianhua Architecture Planning & Engineering Ltd.Director and Principal Architect
  • Ikeda Yasushi

    Professor Graduate School of Media and Governance

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