• Exhibition
  • Planning number
  • A52

Cyber Security Research Center, Keio University

Presentation Group Representative : Osamu Nakamura (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
  • Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall
  • A52

Cyber-Security Research Center, Keio University, "Establishment of CSIRT Environment inside Keio University"

Person in Charge of the Project : Osamu Nakamura
This research project is to establish Keio CSIRT as considering the importance of cyber-security in the current situation. Utilization of the Internet by private sectors of each critical infrastructure industry and evolvement of IoT services with things accessing to the Internet enhance its importance to handle cyber-security. Keio Cyber Security Research Center is establishing CSIRT inside Keio University to tackle on unexpected security threats in the future as collaborating with Hitachi, Keio ITC and the other private sectors.
