• Exhibition
  • Planning number
  • A24

Kazunori Takashio Laboratory

Presentation Group Representative : Kazunori Takashio (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
  • Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall
  • A24

Nostal Gear

Person in Charge of the Project : Shin Katayama
We record a memory by the shape that a picture, a movie and sentences are various. But the much is put back in the inside of a chest and isn't utilized, and a memory is forgot. So we propose the next generation album to which memory remembrance is suggested aggressively "Nostal Gear." The feature of the main system is following two points. First, position information is tied up with image data and when it's visited at the same place, a memory is reproduced automatically using virtual reality. Second, a common memory with the person who is also preserving the user information as well as position information and needs immediateness can be reproduced.


Person in Charge of the Project : Yuki Noguchi