
A New Era of Finance -Fintech x Environment x Monetary Policies-

Presentation Group : Sayuri Shirai SeminarPresentation Group Representative : Sayuri Shirai (Faculty of Policy Management)
  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 9. Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Tokyo Midtown Tower 4F Conference
11/23 (Sat) 12:30 - 14:00

Since the financial crisis, advanced economies have been implementing unconventional monetary policies, and have yet to recover to their economic standards. Moreover, in developing economies, challenges such as lack of financial accessibility, inadequate educational/environmental infrastructure have become increasingly apparent. Meanwhile, FinTech is disrupting traditional financial services. Financial institutions are taking new approaches to green bonds, and heterodox economics such as MMT has been gaining controversy. In this new era, we share panel discussions led by members of the Sayuri Shirai Seminar.


  • Shin Teraguchi

  • Yusuke Suzuki

    Panelist of Fintech
  • Hibiki Kumagai

    Panelist of ESG
  • Hiroaki Maenami

    Panelist of Monetary Policy

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