
xSDG Laboratory

  • 9. Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities
  • 17. Partnerships for the goals
Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall
11/23 (Sat) 15:00 - 15:15

This pitch aims to present, to the ORF participants, on the fundamental concept of SDGs, and to share the opportunity to think about the social changes that the SDGs will bring to us as well as what our future society that the SDGs will realize will be like. For this, Professor Norichika Kanie, the representative of xSDG Laboratory, will be the presenter. He will talk on the points above with introducing the activities and achievements that xSDG Laboratory has made so far. For this, research collaborations with Ryohin Keikaku (MUJI), Kokusai Kogyo and Esri Japan, Tree Inc, Shizuoka City, and Toyooka City, dealing with various topics such as the product impact evaluation, the visualization of SDG progress, municipal governance innovation, local regeneration, as well as gender equality.


  • Norichika Kanie

    Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance

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