
Narukawa Lab

  • 12. Responsible consumption, production
Tokyo Midtown East B1F Hall
11/23 (Sat) 11:30 - 11:45

Narukawa Lab has worked on many projects, and we will introduce three among them all. The first is a cooperate work with Tanseisha's Gomokudana or five-stage shelves that can hold things of five different sizes. The second is a cooperate work with Kanie Lab. We created a dice with 17 faces. The third is the presentation in the workshop in Mirai Kousou Camp. We will show you how students have engaged in these three projects.


  • Keita Okazaki

    Students of Narukawa Lab
  • Yumi Awashima

    Students of Narukawa Lab
  • Kai Takeda

    Students of Narukawa Lab
  • Danjiro Ito

    Students of Narukawa Lab

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