How expert musicians control their body movements? Why music engages our emotions and why wespontaneously step and dance to the musical beat?An emerging field of music and neuroscience (Neuromusic) has been tackled interesting questions on howour brain processes music. In this demo, we explore what has been known so far and what is exciting toknow next in the music and neuroscience research.
What is music, and why did it evolve? How can we understand the unity anddiversity found throughout the world’s music? Scientific attempts to answer the questions through cross cultural comparison stalled during the 20th century and have only recently begun to make a resurgence with the power of modern computational methods. In this demo, we will show the past, present, and future of all the world’s music (including folk,pop, and classical music from Japan and around the world) using comparative and/orcomputational methods (see Savage & Brown, 2013 for review).