Booth No. : A44

Presentation Representative : Tomohiro Ichinose

Person in Charge of the Project : Tomohiro Ichinose

Ichinose laboratory
Kesennuma Reconstruction Project, Moune Oral History Project Oral History for Reconstruction -Re-compiling local information and emergence of town recovery planning-


It is important to accumulate, marshal, share and inherit local information for the town reconstruction. We derive information as local resource, issue, citizen’s intention and so on, which was lost by disaster and is hoarded in the process of reconstruction, by means of Oral History. This project is conducted in Moune district, Kesennnuma City, which is one of an afflicted area of The Great East Japan Earthquake. We edit and feed back these information for to carry those into future ages and to support the citizen’s self-active creating and achieving the vision of reconstruction.